Healing Rank 3

Healing Rank 3
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Healing Rank 2, 50 Power Points, level 5
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 3:

Spell Verbal: I Draw Upon the Earth to Aid Me and...

  • …Heal this Limb.        5 Power Points      Instant.
    • This spell will restore a limb or body part that was severed or incapacitated even the head. A new limb is regenerated; it is not necessary to “re-attach” the severed limb. Heal Limb restores a limb that was damaged with a Stunning Blow. It will also undo the effects of a Take Your Sight spell or a Mute spell. It will not re-grow “dead” body parts like hair.
    • Heal Limb has only one effect each time it is cast; you cannot both cure someone of a broken arm and of a Take Your Sight with a single use of the spell.


  • Heal this Mortal Wound        6 Power Point        Instant
    • This spell will restore a character who is Mortally Wounded, by the Slay or Assassinate skill for example, to 1 Body Point.


  • …Return Your Spirit.        6 Power Points      Permanent.
    • This spell will resurrect a character and restore all their Body Points. A substantial portion of the character’s body must be available and the head must be attached; the character’s spirit must be willing to be resurrected. For the Return Spirit spell to work, the caster must be in contact with the body for a full 10 minutes. The Death System must be used to determine whether Return Spirit is successful, and therefore the death must be recorded on the player’s Character Card. Players who cast a Return Spirit spell must use the Power Point tags used in casting the spell to replace any Body Point tags of the target character.
    • To cast this spell, you must keep your hand on the target character’s torso for the full 10 minutes. If you are attacked or are forced to run away during the time it takes to cast this spell, then the Power Points are lost and the spell does not work. Out-of-game, you may remove your hand to help the player pick a stone from the resurrection bag, write on Power Point tags, etc.
    • Characters restored by Return Spirit suffer the normal consequences of the Death System.
    • A character healed by a Return Spirit is restored to the state of health they had when last alive: broken limbs, diseases, amnesia, insanity, intoxication, etc. The Return Spirit spell is not a substitute for any other spell of the Healing school.
    • Return Spirit has no effect on an undead. If a character has been turned into a lesser undead and then killed, Return Spirit will not resurrect the character; the player must go to the Healers Guild to be resurrected.
    • The difference between this spell and Heal Life is that Return Spirit will work on a body no matter how long the character has been dead, restores the character to full Body Points, and requires use of the death system; Heal Life only works within a limited amount of time, restores the character to 1 Body Point, and does not use the Death System.


  • Bring this Ghoul to Life        8 Power Point        Instant
    • This spell will turn a character that has been made into a Ghoul back to life. The character cannot have been a Ghoul longer than 1 hour. The character is at 0 Body Points and will wake up in 5 minutes if left alone.
    • Ghouls that were created spontaneously or by means other than casting the Create Ghoul spell on a character are destroyed by this spell. Greater Ghouls and Ghoul Lords are not affected by this spell.

Healing Rank 1
Healing Rank 2
Healing Rank 4

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